When I
first started turning I wanted to make pieces as were made
for the Kings and Queens back in the 17th and 18th
centuries. I found the machines used had all but
disappeared so it was necessary to make my own.
Ornamental Turning known as OT is a time consuming task
needing specialized equipment.
There are
examples of MDF based machines on the internet and a little
research is needed to venture into this area of turning.

Ornamental Rose Engine No. 7
Ornamental Lathe No. 9
Lidded OT box with centerless finial
Lidded OT oval box with
Rose design inside and sine wave lid. crankshaft finial and unique

Matching Pair made by rocking and
pumping on No 7. OT jacaranda bowl,
jacaranda, hairy oak
and mahogany fruit.

Coasters with various rosette designs.
Lidded Box
